June 19, 2011

Win $1,000 Worth of Goodies from Global Fashion Brands! [now closed]

I'm so excited about this giveaway! One lucky reader will win all 8 of these items - totaling more than $1,000 from Global Fashion Brands! The even better news? Everyone is a winner - because with code JSBLOG you can receive between 20-25% off of more than 14 brands on their website! (when you enter the contest, you will receive coupon details via email) 

To enter the giveaway simply enter your email address in the box below to sign up for Global Fashion Brands emails:

Extra credit:
1.  Share the giveaway with your friends! Post a link to this giveaway on your Facebook page and be sure to tag the Global Fashion Brands Page and J's Everyday Fashion to get credit. (in order to tag, you need to "Like" the pages first, and if the post doesn't show up on our pages you can email me a screenshot to get credit for an additional entry)
2.  Tweet about the giveaway and include the hashtag #GFBgiveaway and the link http://bit.ly/ku1G5j.

A winner will be selected at random on Sunday, June 26th. Good luck and thanks for entering!

Items in this giveaway:
2. Khari dress, $108
8. Maleku Jewelry pearl ring, $145

We have a winner... congrats to Kristen!


  1. The outfits look great! & the accessories are just as great! I've actually been looking for a ring similar to that.

  2. What a great giveaway.

  3. Reposted this on my Facebook and signed up for the email newsletter. I so want that purse!

  4. I love how they are giving away a variety of items so it can inspire whoever the lucky winner is to wear different items they wouldn't necessarily normally wear!!


  5. What a great way of looking at it Krissy! I was thinking I would probably give a few items to my friends if I won, and then keep the rest. :-)

  6. I already signed up at Global Fashion Brand. Great Giveaway!

  7. One of the things I love about your site is that it introduces me to new clothing sites. THANK YOU for that! :) 

  8. Thanks for such an awesome giveaway!! Entered and keeping my fingers crossed =)

    Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/SS_Dal/status/84270087393132544

