May 24, 2011

Today's Everyday Fashion: It's All Good

You may not always agree with my fashion choices. Which is okay, because I think fashion is just about the most subjective thing on the whole planet! (For example - I love today's inspiration photo but there is no way I could rock nerd glasses and oxfords without feeling uncomfortable.) Instead of knocking each other for our fashion decisions though (hello tabloids and your constant criticism of celebrities, I'm talking to YOU), I think we should celebrate our differences. (Nerd glasses look great on her! I may not wear them, but I would never tell someone else not to wear them!!) I answer tons of style questions everyday, and the first episode of my makeover show is coming out this week, but during all that advice you won't hear me say something negative. Telling you what not to wear is none of my business.  I will give you positive suggestions for what to wear if you ask me, but I usually back my advice up with "at the end of the day it's about what you like to wear. Feel free to not listen to me." ;-p

I think this idea of knocking people for what they are wearing is SO widespread that it's tough not to do it. But I'm on a mission to make fashion a positive thing, at least in this corner of the universe. We should all follow dress codes (for church and work) and to some extent, social norms, but otherwise don't be scared to wear what you want. What some may consider gaudy you may love. What some may consider boring you may love. And that's okay with me! (I hope it's okay with you too.)

Inspiration photo: Atlantic Pacific
Shirt: Forever 21, $18
Vest: Banana Republic, $35
Skirt: Forever 21, $16
Belt: American Eagle/Filene's Basement, $5
Shoes: Bandolino/TJ Maxx, $22
Watch: Michael Kors, family gift
Bracelets: Forever 21, $8
Earrings: c/o Mikel Maia


  1. kimberlylightfootMay 24, 2011 at 9:52 AM

    Very cute!!  And, I love your are so right!!

  2. Love this!  And I totally agree with you-that's what's so great about personal style - it's "personal" and unique and that's what makes it so fun!  There's enough negative horrible stuff in the world, no need to add to it!

  3. I couldn't agree more!!!  The best looking outfits are those worn by someone who feels comfortable and confidant.  Fashion is supposd to be fun!  One of the things I love most about your blog is your fresh positive attitude.

  4. you are so right . I like this blog becouse you turn the inspiration and make it possible for your style .When some friends ask me how to be fashion or how to wear... i link this blog to show them  how we can be inspired by pictures in magazines and to make similar look  but with personal touch

  5. You would be so cute in some Oxfords. Love the vest!!

  6. This is definetely not my style. I do not like it on me or on others. However, if you like it, go for it! I have a question since you have so many F21 clothes. How do they hold? In the sense that I have some but I considered them "disposable" since the quality is not the greatest, I tend to get trendy pieces that I will wear not so often like I would with work clothes. But I noticed you wear them quite often, even for work. How long do they last for you?

  7. Nina, I've had tons of Forever 21 clothes for about 5 years now and they look the same as they did back then! It all depends on how often you wear something though.  The more you wear it and wash it, the more worn it gets. And of course some items hold up better than others, it just depends. No complaints so far though!

  8. Mary, I love the idea of oxfords but I have a size 9.5 feet and I'm only 5'7" so I look like a capital "L" when I wear flat shoes like that. It's not cute.

  9. Love this, J, and everything your blog stands for.  I don't ever see the point in tearing someone else down!  Keep doing what you're doing!  :)

  10. PREACH, SISTA!  :-D   I love it! 

  11. amen, woman :)

  12. My rule for shopping at F21 is to look at the fabric and the workmanship.  For example, cotton is pretty much cotton.  So I can get a cotton skirt at F21 for half the price of another place.  I was in there recently and there's a lot of skirts and shorts with huge openings at the pockets instead of zippers.  I wouldn't take them if they're free let alone spend money.

  13. I usually lurk because I feel uncomfortable commenting on others' choices, but I will delurk for a moment to tell you this post is exactly why I love your blog. Who are we to say if someone can't wear something s/he really wants to wear? If that person feels comfortable and likes it, it'll be that much easier to rock it.

    Btw, I love this outfit. I never would have thought to combine these pieces. That inspiration I see daily is another reason to love your blog. Best of luck with your show, and please post links to the episodes when you can so those of us who don't live in Florida can watch.

  14. Sara_ItsAboutTheLookMay 24, 2011 at 11:20 AM

    I agree!! Now, the only thing I need to do is be BRAVE ENOUGH to wear those more out-there pieces that I like to look at :)

  15. LOVE all of your looks! I do have a question for you. How in the world do you get your belts [small & bigger ones] to do the loopty thing?? If that makes any sense at all LOL =) 

  16. J, I have a semi-related question . . . first, I have gotten so much inspiration from your advice and outfits, and I am pushing myself to be more bold with what I wear to work. I work in a business-casual environment (no jeans, guys usually wear ties, definitely no short skirts, but it isn't full-on suits all the time). We were all given company polos recently, and instructed to wear them occasionally or on days when we have big events with a lot of interaction with the public. These polos are a bright, bright kelly green, which isn't a great color on me in the first place, and despite some darts and shaping they aren't the most flattering either! What I am wondering is if you have any advice for wearing a corporate polo like I am describing while not sacrificing stylishness/individuality. Any insight would be much appreciated!


  17. I like this color pallet!  I bet you could handle the nerd glasses!

  18. Yay, J!! I love your attitude. We should be lifting each other up for our uniqueness.

  19. Awesome post J!  I love your message here and it makes me sad to think that people knock you down for your fashion risks and adventures.  I love your blog and you've inspired me in more ways than one to go outside of the box and try either it be a new shoe style, a new trend, or a way to add a belt to a dress or sweater.  You bring fashion looks that we may be scared to do, to life and to the real world.  You're fabulous and keep rockin this blog, it's awesome and it's the first blog I love to read in the mornings with my cup of coffee to give me fashion inspiration for the day! :)

  20. Great !!!
    visit my blog

  21. I love your post today!  I'm a newer reader of your blog but I have loved coming to it every day and get a lot of inspiration for fashion choices.  I was very upset to see all the negative comments the other day about the shoe choices and I completely agree with building each other up and not knocking each other down!!  Preach on!! 

    By the way...I think you would look TOTALLY adorable in oxfords with that outfit!  Or the shoes you are wearing...or the cute Chinese Laundry brown wedges of yours...or a cute bootie.  :-)

  22. I love Atlantic Pacific!  I am with you, I love the style on her, but I couldn't pull those glasses off, nor those shoes!  I would feel more comfortable in what your wearing, although I love both style very much!!!!  Such a cute outfit!


  23. jseverydayfashionMay 24, 2011 at 3:03 PM

    Brandi, thanks for being a new reader! This post definitely stemmed from all the negative comments about the pink shoes last week. You are a mind-reader, haha. :-)

  24. jseverydayfashionMay 24, 2011 at 3:04 PM

    Thank you for the sweet note Shayla! I am honored to have inspired you to think outside the box! :-)

  25. jseverydayfashionMay 24, 2011 at 3:06 PM

    Sara, that's partly why I wish women would stop being so harsh about each other's fashion! It makes us scared to take risks for fear of the lashing we will get. (um, hello, pink shoes I posted last week! I'm scared to wear them now.) It takes some serious confidence to say I will wear what I want no matter what people say, but here's to more of us women reaching that confidence!

  26. jseverydayfashionMay 24, 2011 at 3:07 PM

    Nicole, check out my cheesy how-to video where I show you how I do the loopy thing with big and small belts! :-)

  27. jseverydayfashionMay 24, 2011 at 3:09 PM

    Rebecca, of all the things that would be hard to dress up, a kelly green polo might be one of the hardest haha. :-) I would tuck it in  (to give you a better shape) and then focus on the accessories. Awesome shoes, a statement necklace or earrings, a fun belt. I usually suggest this kind of thing for game day too - you might be wearing the team jersey, but all of your other pieces can say "I'm a stylish girl, darn it!"

  28. I love this and I love your advocacy for personal style. You are a definite style inspiration for me.

    p.s. I tell everyone about your blog. I forward to colleagues, students, friends...just about anyone who asks about my outfits. I tell them about the inspiration I get from your blog. Thanks! It's great!

  29. Sara_ItsAboutTheLookMay 24, 2011 at 3:20 PM

    Well said, and thank you! I've wanted to do some Lady Gaga (I love her for
    her fearlessness!!) makeup for my blog, just for fun, but have hesitated
    because it might be "too much"...but I think I'm just going to go ahead and
    do it. It's for fun, and I want to! Poo-poo to those who don't like it...

    And, for the record, you should totally wear those shoes. Like, tomorrow. ;)

  30. jseverydayfashionMay 24, 2011 at 3:33 PM

    Please do the post on Lady Gaga, that would be awesome!! And I will work on getting the nerve to wear those shoes. :-)

  31. J, I got that SAME vest today from BR on Sale for $25.00. I have got to style it soon :) 
    TOTALLY agree with your fashion and positivity mantra! Those fashion mags and Style Watch shows on E! get on my nerves too :) 

    ♡ from © 

  32. I love this outfit and everything you said. its so true nowa day it seems like everywhere you turn someone is knocking what another is wearing or saying.

    Great message :)

  33. J - Have you considered heeled oxfords? I am so apprehensive about flat oxfords (1-I hear ya on the capital "L" and my feet are just a size 8! and 2-I don't know if I want to spend $ on something I may not wear all the time). I bought a pair of cognac steve madden heeled oxfords and I LOVE them.

  34. jseverydayfashionMay 24, 2011 at 6:30 PM

    Eliza, I love the idea of heeled oxfords! Do you have a link to them? Having a hard time picturing exactly what you mean. I have these little booties, but this outfit was really not popular. Could have been the socks, but for the most part I wear these hidden under flare jeans!!/photo.php?fbid=174614862564258&set=a.163483153677429.45093.120030604689351&type=1&theater

  35. I don't know if it's possible, but I now love you even more!! Let's all work to make fashion a more positive outlet for everyone :)

  36. Wow, I love your version of this look as well. The shirt and vest are too cute. You always have such a positive attitude. I'm a firm believer if you look good you feel good. You walk at the door with that extra pep in your step.

  37. love your copy cat look
    that skirt is one of my favorite things of yours

  38. What a great message J!!! I love that you want to make fashion something positive - we have all been there, discouraged or insecure about fit, function, or style... I think you are such a great role model to us as readers and honestly, all girls/women who face fashion challenges daily.  Keep inspiring us and making us smile :)

    xo Teresa

  39. I wear glasses and love oxfords, perhaps it's the perfect look for me? :)  Haha.

    Mus(eum)ings: Musings from a Museum Intern

  40. Totally agree! I feel like in bigger cities like NY and LA it's easier to take risks... the key is feeling ok with looking "different" and you know what they say, no guts no glory! Thanks for the good fashion karma!


  41. such great inspiration for me because i just got that BN vest (for $12!!!) and would have put a boring shirt underneath. maybe this is my motivation to go outside my comfort zone even more (the vest is a start; i don't own any!). thanks for looking adorable and motivational as always.
    alyson ---

  42. I love those shoes, didn't post during the original controversy but the first thing that came to my mind was Barbie, in the most delightful way. They are fun and should be worn whenever possible. I love when I see women wearing something different, it's inspiring because I just really want to be me, however "me" looks.

  43. I thought the same thing!! They scream "Barbie" to me, not hooker. :-) Big difference haha! And I agree, I love when women put themselves out there and wear what they want.

  44. please tell me what the sku# is on the vest you are wearing from banana republic i cannot find it on line and want it so bad ready to buy!!

  45. jseverydayfashionMay 27, 2011 at 3:59 PM

    There is a link to the vest in the caption! Just click on the blue "Banana Republic" link and it takes you straight there! :-)

  46. J YOUR SO AWESOME WITH YOUR POS-- whoa all caps lol- positivity. I want to be jealous of you but I just cant be because your obviously a sweetheart!
