June 7, 2011

Today's Everyday Fashion: Using Inspiration Photos

I get a lot of questions about my "process" for finding and using inspiration photos to create outfits, so today I'm going to spill the beans! Here are my top tips/some things you may not know:

1. I am collecting inspiration photos ALL the time. It doesn't matter if I don't have a single item in my closet that looks remotely like the photo. If I'm drooling over it, I still save it anyway. But I mostly look for things that will teach me how to wear what I already own.
2. I don't search for inspiration photos - I just check my email (usually from retailers and fashion websites) and most of my inspiration is right there in my inbox! I subscribe to WhoWhatWear, FabSugar and Refinery29 to name a few.
3. If I start to notice a theme in the photos I am saving - such as red pants, or a cobalt blue top - then I add that to my shopping list. It can take me months to find that item, but those items are always on my mind while I am shopping.
4.When I need some inspiration for getting dressed, or if I am taking photos for the blog (I do it one chunk every week), then I go through and look at all my inspiration photos. I drag a bunch to my desk top that are potential outfits and then head to my closet to start creating!
5. When re-creating an outfit, I start with whatever most closely matches the photo. But then I put the photo down and start making changes. Sometimes closely matching the photo just doesn't look right, and I really like adding a personal spin, which can look even better than your inspiration!
6. Sometimes I try to re-create something and it's a huge disaster. Happens to the best of us.
7. I don't use inspiration photos because I think it's cute, I use them because I actually need them. I'm not the most creative crayon in the box, and with so much inspiration out there, why not use it? There is no shame in that (read more "If Copying is Wrong, I Don't Want to be Right")
8. If I can do it, you can do it. Trust me. :-)

About today's inspiration: I've had this photo of Victoria Beckham for at least a year. While going through old inspiration photos this weekend and realized that i finally (a year later) had the pieces to re-create it! Sometimes it can take awhile to all come together, but I love this blue-blue-blue look and am so happy I kept the photo just in case. ;-p

Inspiration photo: FabSugar
Shirt: c/o Shop McAuley's, $44
Navy skirt: Limited, $25
Shoes: Urban Originals, $21
Earrings: Forever 21, $8
Watch: Michael Kors, family gift
Bracelets: Forever 21, $8


  1. Holy moly, how much do I LOVE those shoes?!!!

    (Answer: a lot.)

  2. Interesting to see how it all comes together. I always pick our photos I would love to wear but never think they'll look "right", just have to be a little more brave!

  3. I've never used inspiration pictures for outfits, but now that I'm trying to be more fashionable its a great idea! I love that blue top, btw.

  4. Love the ideas concerning inspiration photos.  I'm going to start trying it.  Also, I love Urban Original for shoes.  Great low prices for trendy shoes.  I'm always telling friends to check their website.

  5. I love it!!  Great mix of blues!!  :)


  6. I absolutely love your blog! I just recently found it and I am so glad I did! I love what you do with your inspiration and I will definitely be looking forward to reading your blog in the future!

    And by the way, I LOVE those shoes! =]


  7. I have 2 notebooks full of inspiration photos. One notebook is for the ones that I find online and the other is from magazines. Definitely helps when I'm in my closet planning outfits.

  8. Gabriella, give it a try! It doesn't have to be exact, just a starting point or an idea that you can run with. :-)

  9. Thanks so much Lauren! Welcome to the blog and I'm so glad you like it! :-)

  10. You can never go wrong with an outfit like that and especially mimicking something my Victoria is always going to be a hit! Love it!



  11. Such a great look, J!  I love it!  And thanks for so humbly sharing your tips!!  Inspiration is so important to so many aspects of art, even fashion and especially blogging!  

  12. I love your look!  Where do you collect your inspiration photos?  Are you on pinterest?

  13. Thank you Whitney! See #2 - almost all of my photos come straight to my email inbox. I did recently join pinterest but haven't had time to use it. 

  14. I loved learning how you do it! You are such a fashion inspiration and I absolutely love today's look!!!

  15. I love all the great ideas, thanks!

  16. Hi, J! I'm delurking again to tell you how much I love this outfit. With all you've got going on, I can see why you haven't used Pinterest more - it's so addictive. But it totally could help you by giving you one spot to store everything, including the original source. It also helps you see what others are doing. I started following you so when you're ready, so am I. I'd love to see what inspires you because you always look good.

  17. great tips
    i keep an inspiration bullentin board in my closet

  18. Hey j! do you ever use pinterest! I've found it to make keep photos soo much easier!

  19. Thanks for the tips!  You are really good at it!

  20. I found your blog a while back and forgot to bookmark it.  I am SO happy to have finally found it again!  You do a fabulous job with this blog!  

    I am ordering those hot pink shorts!

  21. I'd love to see what you consider a disaster.  I can't even imagine!  If you come across an outfit that you think is a disaster, so you tweak it and then are happy, take a photo of the steps.  I'd love to visually see the process!

  22. Annemarie, I love this idea! I have shared a couple in the past - people don't read the caption though so I always wind up with a ton of "What the heck are you wearing?!" comments, it's pretty funny. Usually the outfits are just way too boring, or they look nothing like I though they would (the colors don't match the inspiration photo). I'll see if I have any in my archives though - would be a fun post!

  23. Thank you! I have a TON of looks coming up with those pink shorts so stay tuned! :-)

  24. Sara, I recently joined but haven't started using it yet!

  25. I love it when you delurk Jennifer, thank you. :-) I really hope I can find some time to check it out! 

  26. I can't believe it! I ALSO collect photos for an inspiration binder. It gives my shopping some focus! It's funny to go back and see a few things that I would never wear!

  27. Not sure what it is about this outfit but it's one of my favs! Love how you used the same color palette for the whole outfit... never would have thought to do it, but it looks awesome!

  28. I love Victoria's style aesthetic, this is a great inspiration piece. And boy did you do a great job making it your own.

  29. I love your practicality and yourspin on looks.  However, as much as I also love your watch, I'm finding it doesn't ALWAYS fit, and this is an example.  For one, the schematic is a bit off with the blue/gray/cool-tone earrings.  I'd love to see you try on something else even if not another "label statement piece." :)


  30. jseverydayfashionJune 9, 2011 at 1:09 AM

    I'm not sure I'm catching your drift - you are saying you want me to wear a silver watch instead? Also, it's hard to see in this picture but the earrings are bright gold (not silver). I kind of hate silver so it's pretty much gold or bust for me. :-)

  31. dedicated_hositngJune 9, 2011 at 9:21 AM

    these photos really impressed me
    dedicated webhosting

  32. Where do you store all these photos and how do you keep all of this information organized?  Do you take these photos with when you go shopping?  I love the idea and I want to do the same but haven't done so because I'm not sure how to organize all of this information.  

  33. Jen, I store all the photos in a folder on my computer. I don't take anything with me when I shop but I do recommend for some people to bring a shopping list with them. So, based on the photos I save and just in general what I need to add to my closet, I might know I want hot pink heels, a neon belt, flat sandals and new white shorts. For some it is easier to make this list as you are inspired, then take it with you when you shop!

  34. Thanks so much for all your help.  Playing off of what you've said, you gave me an idea. I will store the pics in my computer and I will make color coded files. I'm really into corrals this season, so I'll make a sub folder for that color and any photos with those colors will be placed in that file.  I'm fair skinned so I love color :)  Thanks for the inspiration!

  35. Maybe not a watch but if so, then that one in specific (I love gold over silver, usually too!).  I mean, even acrylic horn/tortoise would work.  I just find that that watch doesn't fit despite it being a fashion piece - it clearly isn't meant to be a daily staple with its size and bling factor, unlike something like, say, a Tank watch. 

    I hope this doesn't detract from my admiration of you - I LOVE your takes on inspiration and for the most part, love your balance! :)

  36. I don't know... I think of my watch like my wedding ring. I just put them on everyday, no questions asked. I can't afford watches like these - I had to ask everyone in my family to pitch in and buy me this one for Christmas after drooling over it for 2 whole years. So I'm not able to switch them up, and I always like to have a watch on. It's an interesting point you bring up though - clearly not everyone views their watch as a staple like I do!

  37. Thanks for telling us how you get your inspiration photos. I always wondered. I save inspiration photos but only started recently... Actually I think I started it after seeing how you did things on your site (it was awhile ago but since I have a few computers I don't tend to have them all in one place.)  I also liked hearing how it can take you awhile to find the piece you want. I thought I was the only one.  I also use pinterest now.


  38. J, I've started saving some inspiration photos and am wondering how you organize your photos on your computer or do you leave them all in one big folder?

  39. Julie, I leave them all in one big folder!
