August 12, 2010

J's Comment Policy

Please check out my new comment policy and let me know what you think! It can be found on the right-hand column of the blog, or click here.


  1. what do i think? I love it! Good job! :)
    you really do a great job and it truly helps me and from i can read from other comments it helps others to. All we can be is thankful for you to share and for taking the time to do this.
    thanks!! :)

  2. Thank you Laura! Can't even tell you how much your support means to me!! Thank you!! :-)

  3. Great job J… your letter is very professional and to the point. I can’t tell you how often I’ve come across negative comments and I always wonder, ‘would you say that to that persons face?’ There is no reason for nastiness and you absolutely do not have to take the negative comments. You are providing a HUGE service to all of us and it’s really appreciated. Keep up the good work; you help the fashionably challenged EVERYDAY!!! I look forward to each mornings post!

  4. Oh my goodness... I have got to change that picture! It's OLD!!!

  5. I can't believe people would waste their time saying negative things as those mentioned in your comment policy!!!!!!!!
    Keep on like this J, you're doing really great and for the ones who prefer to spread their negativity, they should write a blog about themselves and keep it for their own fans!!! (none) ;)
    Cheers from Spain!!!
    Cintia. (pasoapasoeducando)

  6. love you site and your fashion sense. The "ugly" outfit comments you should take as victories, it means your not looking like everyone else!!

  7. Sorry to hear you've had negative comments. You always look so cute!

    I only have a few followers, so I haven't had to deal with negative comments yet. Thanks for sharing your new comment policy! If I have any negative comments, I'll be sure to remember and use a similar policy to yours.

  8. I work in Customer service for a very high end online retailer. I am always amazed at how ridiculous customers will act through email or over the phone. I definitely agree it has something to do with not talking face to face.

  9. Hello J, I look every day at your blog. I think that you do a marvellous work, thank you very much for your ideas, advices and time dedicated.
    Regards from Spain.

  10. j, just like i tell my 15 year-old daughter, those people who have a negative comments ALL the time are insensitive and have a lot to learn...just ignore them and move on...i come to your website for inspiration in learning how to create my own wardrobe and making myself look like a diva and it's fantastic. keep up the good work! and who cares what they say.

  11. Thanks everyone for your support!! :-) Loves all of yas!!
